Monday, July 26, 2010

Bugs and Boys (Family Sesson Preview)

I have a bug scream. It's kind of a "Eeeekk!" and if the bug(s) are on me, it's accompanied by undignified swatting and jumping about. And unfortunately, this was the particular stance I was in when this lovely family met me for the first time. I had been cleaning my lenses when I looked down and saw half a dozen mosquitoes vying for the best place on my legs. Fortunately, this family was most gracious about the bugs and we managed to have a great session.

These twin boys were the CUTEST little guys ever! Seriously, I told my husband that I'd never wanted twin boys until I met them. Besides being adorable, they were so laid back and pleasant. Here they are in their tuxes they had for an upcoming wedding.

I love this shot of the boys loving on their mom (who by the way, has the most incredible bone structure, does she not?)

Yes, I debated whether a picture of my legs would be an appropriate ending to a blog entry. I've decided it is not, but here's the pic regardless. What we photographers will do for the shot! I'm hoping that the precious boys made it out without nearly as many bites.

Thanks for stopping in. Here's hoping for some cooler, (bug-free?) weather!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Love of a Lifetime

Today is Ezra's and my 11th anniversary! The couple in this video is preparing to celebrate 45 years together. That deserves a "wa-HOO"!

Photographing this lovely couple was an amazing experience. First of all God blessed us with the most perfect weather we could have asked for. Secondly, seeing and trying to capture the love and the bond that these two have together was humbling. We did our session at the Peaks of Otter, a location that has held great significance for the Rubles over the decades that they have built their lives together.

Thanks, Pam and Richard, for a wonderful session!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dodging the Prom (go'ers that is!) Sneak Peek Preview

I had the privilege of photographing the family of one of my dearest friends this past weekend. She decided to have her session at one of my favorite local shooting locations - Virginia Western's Community Arboretum. Oopps! We forgot prom for several high schools was the same day....and I guess the arboretum is also a favorite location of several HUNDRED other people, most of whom were armed with cameras. By the way, prom dresses have sure changed from when I was in high school (which according to my 6 year old is back when Jesus walked the earth) but that's probably another post, perhaps on a different blog! :) Fortunately, we were able to find a quiet little nook with some nice light and soon the inundation lightened and then disappeared altogether.

So without further ado and ramblings, here is "T", a wonderful young guy and a great friend of my son. His mom was a little worried about his shoe laces, but I think they just MAKE this portrait!

Baby sister is a total doll! I love the soft colors in this image below.

Are these two super-cuties, or what?!!

Thanks, guys, for such a fun session!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Here's a little straggler (the picture, not the child!) that I meant to post yesterday with the preview. Boy, last night I wanted to kick the wires out of my computer! It kept locking up on me, and blogger kept erasing my post every time I wrote it...I had to give it 4 tries before it worked. I just might have to start looking at one of those fancy-smancy blogs that I've been avoiding....

So anyway, I thought this image was cute. I love how the backlighting lights up his blond curls. As always, click the picture to enlarge. :)

Hope your days are well and your computers are treating you right. ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Downtown Swagger (Sneak Peek Preview)

I've got a looong "sneak peek" for you today! I love these pictures and I had a terrible time narrowing them down.

The threat of afternoon rain prompted us to move this session to early morning. What a beautiful day! Glorious sunshine, happy kids and I managed to get a cup of coffee in before we started....couldn't ask for more. ;)

How handsome is this little fellow?


I love the curious look on little sister's face!

She's so pretty!

This picture makes me happy! It shows classic childhood - joyful and sweet.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Love is All You Need

Although I love photographing my many pre-schoolers, it was a refreshing change of place to photograph this beautiful bride! Tracie and John tied the knot a few weeks ago, but these bridals were taken in February. We did the session at the Taubman Museum of Art in downtown Roanoke. This session was the first time I've toured the museum - it's beautiful! I look forward to going to see some of the exibits sometime with my husband.

Tracie just shone in her wedding gown; she looked truly gorgeous!

Tracie and John, I wish you all a lifetime of love! Thank you for letting me be a part of this special time in your lives.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dark Skies and Sunny Kids (Sneak Preview)

We barely dodged rain for this downtown session, and sadly, the moody weather did not come with cool, moody lighting. Fortunately, the 2 darlings in these pictures were little rays of sunshine! Mr. C. has sure grown up since I last photographed him and I was introduced to his baby sister - a total doll. Perhaps this may be an odd thing to say, but big brother has the greatest cheekbones. Isn't he cute?

And little sister has big, gorgeous eyes...

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Senior Portraits

Wow, I can hardly believe that the school year will soon be coming to an end! My oldest son will have sucessfully completed his Kindergarten year. I swear time has sped up since having kids! And I imagine that the mama of this lovely senior girl is thinking the same thing. I am trying to treasure this time that my boys are entrusted to my care, but it always seems that some well-meaning soul wants to remind me of the briefness of these years right when I've had the worst day full of childish tantrums and sleepless nights! Lol!

This senior girl is soooo lovely - both inside and out! We had a fun laid-back session at Virginia Western's Arboretum.

Thanks, Ariel for a great session!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fresh and New

Ahhh, newborns. Wrinkly, soft skin. Delicate little fingernails. Baby fine eyelashes. You mothers know just how fast they change and grow! This little peanut is only one week old in these images. Newborn portraits need to be done in the first 2 weeks of life in order to best capture the way new babies will "curl" up in that sweet fetal position. Miss "N." was the best little model; she slept so soundly! Maybe as the youngest of 4 you learn to sleep under any conditions. Ha! Thank you, Jess, for waiting so patiently for your "sneak peek." Your baby is just beautiful!

The blue, vintage suitcase (below) actually belonged to the baby's grandmother. I was delighted when I saw it!

Have a super day. :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paperie Boutique

Yea! My sweet Austin FINALLY went back to school this week, after having gone only 3 partial days this entire month. We've had a crazy amount of snow this year! So now I can buckle down and get some work done. ;)

I have a feature on one of my very favorite blogs! The blog is called Paperie Boutique. It's run by a photographer who posts various fun reads and ideas for other photographers. Here's the link:

Be sure to check out the 2-17-10 entry; scroll down a bit to see the cute little Valentines I made for my son's Valentine Exchange.

I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day, and got to spend some time with the ones you love.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello! I know things have been quiet around here lately. Actually, let me clarify that statement...the BLOG has been quiet, NOT the Amiss household! No, we have been quite busy with snow forts, snow boots, snow shoveling, get the point! It has been such a crazy winter...I don't believe my kindergartener has had a full [no delays] week of school since before Christmas break! Here are some pictures of the boys playing this past weekend.

Micah acts so funny when we bundle him up in his snow get-up. At first, he wasn't sure if he could move, so he wouldn't turn his head or walk or anything. With time, he loosened up a bit!

Austin made a slide out of a snow drift.

My hero! My dad! He saved the day plowing our driveway. :)

Thanks for stopping in. Stay safe and warm!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I am excited to announce that Catherine Amiss Photography has teamed up with Planetjill to offer you STUNNING photo jewelry and keepsakes....using photos from your own photo session! Planetjill creates one-of-a-kind wearable art made from sterling silver or 14k gold. The pieces are waterproof and are top quality.

Here is a smattering of what they can create for you:

{photos are credited to Planetjill and are used with permission}


Below are some of my favorites:

Be sure to check out their website: Prices for jewelry containing images from your photo session will be the same as listed on Planetjill website.
Have a wonderful day!