Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello! I know things have been quiet around here lately. Actually, let me clarify that statement...the BLOG has been quiet, NOT the Amiss household! No, we have been quite busy with snow forts, snow boots, snow shoveling, snowmen...you get the point! It has been such a crazy winter...I don't believe my kindergartener has had a full [no delays] week of school since before Christmas break! Here are some pictures of the boys playing this past weekend.

Micah acts so funny when we bundle him up in his snow get-up. At first, he wasn't sure if he could move, so he wouldn't turn his head or walk or anything. With time, he loosened up a bit!

Austin made a slide out of a snow drift.

My hero! My dad! He saved the day plowing our driveway. :)

Thanks for stopping in. Stay safe and warm!

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