Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paperie Boutique

Yea! My sweet Austin FINALLY went back to school this week, after having gone only 3 partial days this entire month. We've had a crazy amount of snow this year! So now I can buckle down and get some work done. ;)

I have a feature on one of my very favorite blogs! The blog is called Paperie Boutique. It's run by a photographer who posts various fun reads and ideas for other photographers. Here's the link:

Be sure to check out the 2-17-10 entry; scroll down a bit to see the cute little Valentines I made for my son's Valentine Exchange.

I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day, and got to spend some time with the ones you love.


Tracie said...

Seriously, those were the sweetest Valentine's ever!

Catherine said...

Thank you, Tracie! I hope you guys are doing well. I think we are FINALLY starting to thaw out here...It supposed to be close to 50 today!