Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ultrasound and big me

How cute is the subject in the next two pictures? Okay...I may not have made the photographs, but I've been very busy making the subject! These ultrasound images of our son were taken the last day of February, and I'm just now posting them.

The next two pictures are of me and were taken yesterday by my husband. I was headed to a baby shower! I am now 32 weeks along, and had a preterm labor scare early this weekend. Fortunately everything looks okay for now, so please pray that this little guy stays put for a few more weeks (unlike his big brother did!).

These last two pictures were also taken by my husband and are of me at 27 weeks. I realized that I only have one or two pictures of myself when I was pregnant with my now 4 year old, so I am determined to have a few more taken this time. I am definitely more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it!

And yes, I did heavily air-brush my skin in this last photo. Isn't that a pregnant photographer's prerogative?

1 comment:

Allison said...

Holy hot mamma!!!!!!! you look fantastic! I am so excited for you guys. I didn't realize you had a blog. I always love your pictures, and might I say Ezra did a great job!