Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lots of Leaves (Sneak Peek)

This little cutie is the daughter of a good friend of mine. Her family came into town last weekend and we had lots of fun playing in the leaves at my house. Little Miss "C" had lots of fun trying to eat them!

This is my favorite kind of family portrait - relaxed and natural. And joyful!

Thanks, Matt, for dragging the chair out to the field. :)

What a sweet face! Have a great weekend.


Rhonda said...

These are so good! What a cute family ;).

Allison said...

Oooooh these are soooo incredible Cat!!! You are so talented! I've been anxiously awaiting these proofs and they were just as great as I knew they'd be. I know Manda's thrilled. Let me shake some baby weight and I want you to shoot my family soon.